mandag den 20. juli 2015

What is up, with the world today?

Now, I am not a religious person, in the traditional way, I believe in a higher power, but not in the Bible.
If you believe the word of the Bible, Koran ore other, I have the highest respect for your belief, so why is it that some of you can’t respect me?
I have the same question for people who doesn’t believe in anything.

Don’t get me wrong I LOVE to discuss religion, it is an enriching way to understand different beliefs, but most people think that it is a discussion of who’s right rather than focusing on the differences.
I hate that point, I live according to my conscience, that is enough for me, so why do some people feel the need to force their religion on me, telling that I will go to hell (a place I don’t even believe in) if I don’t conform.  
And on the other hand, I have been called stupid and naïve for expressing my belief, why can’t we all just accept that we are different, and we are never going to think, belief or feel the same.
This is a point, where I can’t for the life of me figure out, what the price is, what do you get, form your deity, for conforming the largest number of non-believers.  I have to ask, because it’s starting tick me off.
Speaking of a price, IS is the biggest fracking problem with religion. Saying that they are better that everybody else, because they believe in the right thing, and this allows them to, rape, torture and kill people that doesn’t conform, or that they don’t deem them good enough to conform (thank the deity I am a western woman, that they wouldn’t even give the choice).
Some of you will be offended by this blog, but I am sick and tired of being politically correct, in fear of being called a racist or a white whore.
I won’t apologies if people take offence, just know that non is intended, I speak of no specific people, or religions.
That being said if you do take offence, if I can respect your thoughts without agreeing with them, why can’t you?
Thanks for reading this little rant, more will follow.
